Meet Meg

Welcome! Meg Keller IBCLC

I am so glad you stopped by! Being new to the blogging world, I wanted to introduce myself! I’m Meg, and it has been such a long time coming for my Private Practice to finally be set in place. I am so excited to support the families I love — all of YOU! I have been supporting breastfeeding families for years and absolutely love being part of the journey. 

Having breastfed our four children (currently still nursing our 4th!) for a combined total of over 8 years, I’ve seen my fair share of struggles and experiences. So I come to you with evidence-based knowledge and critical thinking skills as a Registered Nurse, as well as personal experience and empathy from one mother to a mother. 

Just a little rewind —  Kyle and I got married back in 2007 in small town Vermilion, Alberta (my original stomping grounds!)  I joke that he missed his calling in life – I’m sure he was a YouTube star in another life. He has a background working with families and works at a non-profit organization in Communications and Writing. So we make an awesome team in many areas (not to mention, parenting!). 

As for me, I have spent over 10 years in the NICU serving babies and families as a Neonatal Nurse as well as a Registered Lactation Consultant. I have been an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 2012. My experience in the NICU has given me extensive experience with premature and sick infants and their mothers. That is a whole new ball game for the mothers providing breastmilk! 

After the struggles I had with our first (back in 2010), it was only because of determination and perseverance that we continued for another 21 months! I remember my husband coming into the nursery at 2am, tears streaming down my face, sitting there holding our 6 week old baby, bleeding nipples, and terrified to latch him yet again. The pediatrician and community health nurse repeatedly told me the latch “looked good. Nice flanged lips!”. It did not FEEL good! He was so sleepy. He was SO slow, feeding for over an hour. Things eventually improved around 3 months and we continued on, but I do believe with the proper lactation support, I could have avoided so much unnecessary tears and pain and got back to enjoying my baby. 

edmonton lactation consultantThrough this experience, I decided to further my nursing training and complete the rigorous process to become a Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I knew I could make a difference for moms as they cared and nourished their babies. 

I come with a positive and caring attitude. My aim is to help moms enjoy their babies. They are only small once. While we are at it, let’s work together to make a feeding plan you feel good about. 



Until next time,

Snuggle those babies!


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